
Labor and social security law

Amidst the meanderings of employment law for employers, the vast body of legislation enacted and the obligations that are imposed on businesses with reference to the employment of employees, employers need signposts on employment matters.

We offer solutions for businesses both in terms of hiring employees and paying social contributions for them.

We will assist you with the drafting of internal labour legislation according to your individual needs, taking into account your economic interests and at the same time legally protecting you in the event of possible litigation.

We are experienced in employer-union contacts and legal negotiations.

A special place in our services is given to the protection of employers against employees who damage the interests of the company employing them, for example by acting for competing entities.

We also advise on the creation and negotiation of management contracts as an alternative to contracts governed by employment law.

We confront the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) in cases of sham contracts and “bypassing” social contributions. We have won hundreds of lawsuits both in employee cases with employees and with ZUS.

We advise on employment to avoid possible litigation. We participate in ZUS inspections. We draft objections to ZUS inspection records and defend entrepreneurs before the court in employment cases.

We handle litigation with dismissed employees, including in particular for disciplinary reasons.

Our services include:

  • Representing clients in court disputes concerning claims for reinstatement, damages for illegitimate termination of employment, determination of the existence or non-existence of an employment relationship, rectification of the employment certificate, payment of severance pay and other benefits provided for in the internal labour law acts, payment of pension and compensatory pension, compensation for enforcement of a non-competition clause following termination of the employment relationship, and in other proceedings involving claims under labour law.
  • Formulation of employment law contracts.
  • Drafting and negotiation of management contracts.
  • Protection of employers against acts of unfair competition by employees.
  • Participation in the development of internal labour legislation (collective agreements, regulations, agreements, orders), including negotiations with the workforce, updating these acts further to changing legislation.
  • Advice on the procedure for so-called collective redundancies and outplacement.
  • Advice on the application of employment law on a case-to-case basis.
  • Representation of entrepreneurs in disputes with Social Insurance Institution.

For years, we have represented one of Poland’s major employers in employment law in its most difficult cases. We handle cases where other lawyers lay down their arms, and we come up with non-schematic solutions.

If you have any of the above problems and are looking for a solution, contact us, we will look at your case and suggest the best scenario for you.