Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?
Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.
Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.An entrepreneur is a human being too, but does he or she deserve a paid leave?
An entrepreneur is a human being too, but does he or she deserve a paid leave?Leszek Paterek chosen Lawyer of the Year 2023 at Żyglicka i Wspólnicy
Leszek Paterek chosen Lawyer of the Year 2023 at Żyglicka i WspólnicyDiscrimination in employment vs. CJEU ruling of 7 December 2023 in case ref. no. C-518/22
Discrimination in employment vs. CJEU ruling of 7 December 2023 in case ref. no. C-518/22Jarosław Rudy, Attorney at Law, re-elected Managing Partner
Jarosław Rudy, Attorney at Law, re-elected Managing PartnerThe pitfalls of converting a single-person company
The pitfalls of converting a single-person companyUnconstitutionality of Covid-related regulations on the statute of limitations for crimes and fiscal offences
Unconstitutionality of Covid-related regulations on the statute of limitations for crimes and fiscal offences