Żyglicka and Partners has been accepted as a supporting member of PSIK
Żyglicka and Partners has been accepted as a supporting member of PSIKEnergy and Climate Law Forum “Green Energy”
Energy and Climate Law Forum “Green Energy”Final version of the draft law on whistleblowers – key assumptions
Final version of the draft law on whistleblowers – key assumptionsHow will the money laundering system change after the regulation of crypto – assets?
How will the money laundering system change after the regulation of crypto – assets?Has your driver’s license expired? You could lose millions
Has your driver’s license expired? You could lose millionsCan I invoke whistleblower protection despite the not – implementation of the directive by the Polish government?
Can I invoke whistleblower protection despite the not – implementation of the directive by the Polish government?Granny’s- do they actually contribute to the activation of women in the labor market?
Granny’s- do they actually contribute to the activation of women in the labor market?Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?
Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.
Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.