Ewa Lejman
Partner, Attorney at Law, Tax Advisor
She specialises in serving companies with an international focus. She is the contact person for the members of Ally Law, an association that brings together independent, highly specialised law firms from all over the world. She manages complex projects carried out in several countries in parallel. Ewa Lejman advises investors and shareholders starting up in Poland and in business acquisitions or M&A transactions. She is an expert in the gaming and gambling industry. She constantly advises on and analyses contracts of foreign entrepreneurs operating on the Polish market.
In tax matters, she specialises in handling investment funds (ASI, ZASI).
Ewa’s international professional experience has supported cooperation with a number of foreign contractors, in particular foreign law firms. Thanks to her partnership with WH Partners, based in Malta, she is the Head of the Gaming and Gambling Department in Poland. As part of her cooperation with the Belgium-based law firm and the modern IT solutions it develops, she has been providing services to multinational corporations in the area of so-called corporate housekeeping since 2016.
In 2014, she was chosen as a Women’s Entrepreneurship Ambassador, and in 2015, she won the Rising Stars competition, ranking 4th in Poland. From 2016 to 2023, she served as one of Ally Law’s nine Deputy Presidents, of which only three came from Europe. Within the Ally Law organisation, she forms the ‘Women in Law’ group, connecting female lawyers from all over the world.
She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia. She qualified as a tax advisor in 2014. Ewa is also a member of the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL) and the New York Bar Association.
She is fluent in English.
Author of numerous publications, including:
- Gambling 2023, ICLG – Praktyczny transgraniczny wgląd w prawo dotyczące gier hazardowych (Practical cross-border insights into gambling law). Chapter for Poland.
- ABC Fundacji rodzinnej (ABCs of the Family Foundation) – Parts I-IV, June-July 2023.
- Gambling 2022, ICLG – Praktyczny transgraniczny wgląd w prawo dotyczące gier hazardowych (Practical cross-border insights into gambling law). Chapter for Poland.
- Gambling 2021, ICLG – Practical cross-border insights into gambling law. Chapter for Poland.
- Poland for Cybersecurity 2020, 2021, Lexology Getting The Deal Through;
- Gambling 2020, ICLG – Practical cross-border insights into gambling law. Chapter for Poland.
- Poland for Cybersecurity 2019, Getting The Deal Through, link: https://gettingthedealthrough.com/area/72/jurisdiction/39/cybersecurity-poland/
- „Międzynarodowe stowarzyszenia prawnicze kontra globalne kancelarie” (“International law societies versus global law firms”) 31 July 2015 Law supplement to the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna;
- „Warto pielęgnować kontakty na wszystkich szczeblach” (‘It’s worth nurturing contacts at all levels’) – 13 June 2014 Law supplement to the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna;
- Katalog Praw Przedsiębiorców – Organy Kontroli Skarbowej, Zeszyt 4, (Directory of Entrepreneurs’ Rights – Tax Inspection Authorities, Book 4), 2014.
In her spare time:
- She loves jogging, especially with a group of friends and in her favourite place – Tychy, Paprocany;
- She climbs mountains in Poland and abroad (Alps in Austria, Italy and Switzerland);
- She organises her own travels, southern Europe in winter, Scandinavian countries in summer – she is enthralled by nature in Norway;
- She goes fishing with her family – holds a fishing licence.
My specializations
My publications
Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?
Can the contribution of shares in the form of a contribution in kind be treated as a disposal of shares benefiting from the CIT exemption for income of alternative investment companies (in Poland called: “ASI”)?Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.
Income of a Polish family foundation from its participation in a Luxembourg-based Societe en commandite speciale (“SCSp”) vs. CIT exemption.ABC of Family Foundation – Part IV – assets of the family foundation
ABC of Family Foundation – Part IV – assets of the family foundationABC of Family Foundation – Part III – the funder
ABC of Family Foundation – Part III – the funder