“Żyglicka i Wspólnicy” Law Firm is one of the founders of the international network of law firms called ALLY LAW
We have the pleasure to inform you that our Law Firm has become one of the founders of the international organisation called ALLY LAW, which associates 22 law firms from all over the world. ALLY LAW provides comprehensive legal services and business consultancy for global companies which have their branches in various countries and on different continents.
Law firms associated under ALLY LAW developed principles for their common legal services for global clients, but maintained their identity and independence at the same time. On the other hand, all law firms offer a similar high standard of services and rich experience. A client of ALLY LAW has a feeling that he is served by a law firm operating in various countries of the world.
We would like ALLY LAW to become soon an alternative to the largest international law firms by providing services of a comparable level, but at competitive prices.
ALLY LAW provides specialised legal services in different fields, including, without limitation, corporate law, tax law, capital market law, environmental law, intellectual property law, labour law, as well as court, arbitration and mediation proceedings.
ALLY LAW has its roots in the International Alliance of Law Firms (IALF), which is the association of 65 law firms and has been operating all over the world for over twenty years.
You will find more information on www.ally-law.com/.
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