Żyglicka and Partners to host Ally Law Regional Meeting in Warsaw
In the days 22 – 24 September 2016 r. in Warsaw will be held the 2016 EMEA Regional Meeting. The Ally Law AGM allows member attorneys to meet personally for in-depth dialogue on best practices and developments in the legal industry. The EMEA Regional Meeting provides a venue for panels and discussion groups on substantive law, practice management, and emerging global trends in the legal arena. Ally Law members have the distinctive opportunity to connect with niche specialists within the network that they know and trust to advise on unique client service requirements – requirements that firms outside the Ally Law network do not have the resources to fulfill.
Izabella Żyglicka and Partners has organized an excellent program combining outside client speakers like prof. Rafał Ohme – an Laureate of Prize President of the Republic Poland, the Prime Minister Prize, Polish Science Foundation Prize, Fulbright, Honorary Member of the Executive Club, Finalist EY – Entrepreneur of the Year 2015, internal sessions on marketing and business development topics and a social program that highlights the vitality and beauty of this capital city. Mamaison Hotel Le Regina.
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