Beata Bieniek-Wiera
Partner, Advocate

Advocate, economist, partner in the law firm Żyglicka i Wspólnicy. Expert in the prevention and detection of economic crime and corruption.
- Top 25 best female lawyers in business according to Forbes – 2023.
- Distinguished Woman Advocate – 2019.
- Rising star in law – Rising Stars Leaders in Law –
Since 2004, she has been serving and advising business entities from various industries. She has dealt with large and complex legal projects, including a corporate dispute between two major shareholders linked by foreign capital and the privatisation process of one of the largest state-owned companies in Poland.
- Specialist in multi-million dollar corporate disputes, in particular as counsel against hostile takeovers, counsel for minority shareholders and those holding an equal number of shares with another shareholder, including disputes with Cypriot and Finnish law entities.
- Specialist in the field of economic crime, who enriched her many years of professional practice in the field of criminal defence, including defence of a media nature, with the title of expert in the prevention and detection of economic crime and corruption. Defender of members of company bodies against acts of unfair competition and abuse of trust by members of company bodies. Defender in criminal and fiscal cases.
- Attorney for such wronged parties as Alior Bank S.A., JSW S.A., Centrum Hydrauliki DOH sp. z o.o., Packprofil sp. z o.o., Instytut Innowacji i Nowoczesnych Technologii w Logistyce sp. z o.o., CASH FLOW S.A.
- Lead lawyer for the takeover of Powszechna Spółdzielcza Kasa Oszczędnościowo-Kredytowa into receivership based on a decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. Attorney for several hundred court cases of PSKOK.
- Performed corporate law due diligence on one of the major coking plants in Poland.
- Founder of numerous limited liability companies, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, general partnerships, and foundations. Legal and business advisor and corporate advisor to numerous business entities.
- Business defender at COVID-19, which founded Żyglicka Security, winning cases of entrepreneurs against state authorities – Police, SANEPID.
- Defender of entrepreneurs in disputes with the Social Insurance Institution – ZUS, in particular with regard to alleged sham contracts.
- Author and advocate of the concept of addressing the courts on WIBOR and also on legislative solutions for business in the era of COVID-19.
- Specialist in comprehensive legal services for entrepreneurs, who has also enriched her knowledge and experience with a degree as a licensed economist at the University of Economics in Katowice.
- Trainer on economic crime, capital market law, public procurement law and privatisation.
- Panellist at the European Economic Congress.
- Mainly thanks to her activities, the Firm won 2 awards from Rzeczpospolita in the pro bono category, that is for her involvement in the creation of anti-crisis legislative solutions for entrepreneurs in the era of COVID, for her involvement in helping Ukrainian refugees in Poland.
- In 2020, she was appointed to the District Bar Council in Katowice [more here].
- In 2018, she was recognised a rising star of law in the prestigious nationwide competition for young lawyers held by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily and Wolters Kluwers publishing house, winning sixth place in Poland and first place in the Silesian province. The judging panel included the President of the Supreme Bar Council and the President of the Regional Chamber of Attorneys at Law.
- In 2019, she was one of three women advocated in Poland to be awarded in the ‘Woman of the Bar’ competition held by the Supreme Bar Council.
- She is appreciated by clients for her efficiency, toughness of personality, expertise, creativity and commitment to the cause.
- In 2023, she was recognised as one of the top 25 lawyers in business according to Forbes Women and the Women in Law Foundation.
In her spare time:
- She loves sport, especially fitness (she is a fitness instructor herself), shooting, running, volleyball and climbing;
- reads books on personal development and psychology;
- travels to Italy, which she considers her second home;
- discovers the flavours of the world by travelling on her own.
My publications
13 November 2022
Interest for late payment or how to discipline an unreliable contractor
Interest for late payment or how to discipline an unreliable contractor