Our Law Firm is an author of the Catalogue of Rights of Entrepreneurs – Tax Audit Authorities
The Law Firm of “Żyglicka i Wspólnicy” together with the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers published another booklet of the Catalogue of Rights of Entrepreneurs concerning tax audit authorities. The text was prepared by lawyers from our Law Firm: Ewa Lejman, Legal and Tax Adviser and Mateusz Słodczyk, Barrister Trainee.
The Catalogue of Rights of Entrepreneurs is published cyclically and is a compendium of knowledge and a collection of detailed rules applicable to each entrepreneur in the case of ex-officio audit.
The booklet is the “first aid” for entrepreneurs who harried by continuous audits often feel helpless in the jumble of complicated legal regulations.
Ewa Lejman as a lawyer specialises in tax law, personal data protection, public procurement law, public and private partnership, and construction law.
Mateusz Słodczyk as a barrister trainee specialises, among others, in the law of companies and other business entities.
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