Coronavirus and Social Security Contributions
Will we be able to bring about voluntary contributions for entrepreneurs? In this case, we would like to go the Chinese way! In Wuhan province, the collection of social security contributions has been suspended – in China this payment is of course called differently, but it is our equivalent of ZUS with some modifications.
The SME Spokesperson – Adam Abramowicz – has been lobbying for the voluntary payments for Social Insurance Institution for entrepreneurs for almost a year! So far, his idea has not found support among the regulators – the entrepreneurs hope that now it will be possible to pay this contribution voluntarily, at least for 6 months. This would not, of course, apply to health insurance contributions. Entrepreneurs count their losses and expect to be able to pay contributions voluntarily for themselves. Today, as Vice President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of entrepreneurs, I sent a letter of support to Minister Adam Abramowicz – we hope that he will achieve success. Social Insurance Institution contributions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are a huge burden and the voluntary nature of their payments for these minimum 6 months is highly desirable. This does not apply today to contributions for employees – we are waiting for a special purpose act.
Izabella Żyglicka, attorney-at-law
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