Attorney-at-law Izabella Żyglicka takes part in the discussion on the justice system and commercial judicature
Today a conference was held at the Higher School of Business on the subject of judicial system, where attorney-at-law Izabella Żyglicka was invited to join the discussion as the Vice President of the Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Spokesperson of Entrepreneurs’ Rights, expressing the opinion of entrepreneurs. She provoked a discussion by calling for a revolution in the justice system! She pointed out that what is important in this system is the level of preparation and experience of judges. A judge should be the culmination of the legal profession, not its beginning. Judges, and therefore people who decide on financial matters in economic cases, criminal matters, people whose decisions “make or break” (not only for entrepreneurs), people who decide on conflicts should be only those who understand economic and social processes, people who are “seasoned,” and not young people right out of the university and three-year legal apprenticeship. Demanding the revolution, Izabella Żyglicka added that, of course, it is not about the depreciation of people in this profession, but about the direction of changes, also changes of the mentality seen in the courts, the influence of habits unfavourable to the society. The mere change in judicial, civil, economic or criminal procedure is just not enough – it will not improve the whole system, it will not be “treading water,” it will not change the awareness of both judges and all participants of the judicial process: attorneys, prosecutors, plaintiffs and defendants, accused and convicted persons. A judgement is a decision which, as a rule, admits that one of the parties is right – always 50% are “winners” and 50% “losers.” It is, however, important that those who lose know “why” and at least in part feel that an uninfluenced and independent person with appropriate education, experience and specialisation in a given type of issues has given a judgment.
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