
Partner at Żyglicka & Wspólnicy in a national newspaper – Dziennik “Gazeta Prawna”

On Friday, June 13,  a supplement to a daily national newspaper Dziennik – “Gazeta Prawna” featured an article titled „It is beneficial to cultivate relations on every level” by a legal counsel, tax advisor and partner at our firm Ms. Ewa Lejman. The article is the author’s reflection from her involvement in the Annual General Meeting of  International Alliance of Law Firms. The Meeting served as a venue for plenty of discussions and panels on the latest trends in the marketing of legal services. The representatives of global business giants took part in the meetings and provided – as the recipients of the marketing efforts – their take on the subject.

Ms Ewa Lejman specializes in tax law, personal data protection, public procurement law, public-private partnership and in construction law.