
Żyglicka and Partners has been accepted as a supporting member of PSIK

Żyglicka & Partners Law Firm has been accepted as a supporting member of PSIK, the Polish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association.

PSIK has been bringing together private equity/venture capital investors active in Poland for more than 20 years. It is also open to other individuals, companies and institutions interested in the development of the private equity/venture capital sector in our country.

The aim of PSIK is to facilitate investment, support the development of the private equity/venture capital sector in Poland and represent the interests of the sector. PSIK has 47 ordinary members – representatives of companies managing private equity and venture capital funds – and 103 supporting members – consulting firms working for the sector.

Thank you very much for your positive recommendations and we salute our Friends and Clients: Black Pearls VC, ff Venture Capital, Innovation Nest, SATUS Starter VC, SpeedUp Venture Capital Group, Tar Heel Capital, Warsaw Equity Group, Genprox, Bank Pekao S.A., PKO Bank Polski, CK LEGAL Chabasiewicz Kowalska i Wspólnicy, Trigon, KWKR, PFR Ventures, RKKW, and those we are yet to get to know better.