The appeal of Izabella Żyglicka, Barrister and Spokeswoman of Entrepreneurs!
Izabella Żyglicka, Barrister and Managing Partner of the Law Firm, Spokeswoman of Entrepreneurs at the Regional Chamber of Commerce, took part in the meeting with representatives of business, science and local government, which was held by the Regional Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 in Katowice.
Mrs Żyglicka appealed, on behalf of entrepreneurs, that each programme prepared for Silesia should take into account opinions of entrepreneurs, who should be involved in all the work. In her opinion, small and medium-sized enterprises know how to improve their attractiveness and, at the same time, how to make the region more attractive.
The meeting was also attended by Waldemar Sługocki, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, who manages the work of one of teams preparing the economic programme for Silesia. He was convinced that the government will consult the solutions with business on an ongoing basis.
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