Nation-wide OSE GDAŃSK 2022 Power Summit
The power industry for the economy – The economy for the power industry is the leading subject of the 10th Nation-wide OSE GDAŃSK 2022 Power Summit, which was attended by Izabella Żyglicka, Attorney at Law.
The energy security of Poland was discussed by representatives of the world of business, science and politics.
Traditionally, “Amber of Polish Power Industry 2022” statutes were granted. This is an award granted to people, institutions or companies for their special actions for the development and safety of the Polish economy and power industry in Poland and abroad.
The Amber Heart aware for charity activities was granted to Tauron.
On the second day of the Summit, Izabella Żyglicka was a moderator of the Horizon 2050 panel: Development, Investments, Innovations.
Diversified power industry, incinerators and biogas plants, ENERGY FOREST (an interesting project of the Polish State Forests) and social residential initiatives carried out by the National Stock of Real Properties, including energy efficiency.
Inspiring talks about energy security, which will be continued in the future for sure.
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