
Ms Ewa Lejman as Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador of 2014

We have the pleasure to inform you that Ms Ewa Lejman, a partner in our Legal Office, has been chosen the Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador of 2014. The Polish Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors is modelled on the European Network of Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors established by the European Commission in 2009. It is made up of women who successfully run their own businesses and get involved in non-business social activities. The mission of the Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador in Poland is to set an example and promote entrepreneurship, innovation and new awareness, so essential for the development of the modern economy. Each year, 100 Women Entrepreneurship Ambassadors are selected from among leading women entrepreneurs who will take up the challenge of supporting and inspiring other women to establish and develop their own companies. This year, the title has been awarded to Ms Ewa Lejman.

More information can be found below 

Women Entrepreneurship Ambassador